MEAAC 2023现征集原创的高质量稿件,主题包括机械、电子、自动化和自动控制。基于文章的研究创新性,写作技法,现实应用等,所有提交的论文将由至少2-3名独立评审员进行同行评审。
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- 我们将于2个工作日内沟通反馈预审结果。预审通过的文章将引导作者投稿至出版社投稿/评审系统,进行同行评审,一般周期为一个月左右(含第一轮意见,修改,再次审核,录用)。
- 如出版社系统显示状态为 Pending,表明文章正在邀约审稿人或者正在审稿,结果未出来,作者需耐心等待。作者也可以通过info@meaac.org了解审稿的详细进度。
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收到文章后组委会快速安排专业的预审以及同行评审,录用且注册的文章将出版在MEAAC 2023会议论文集上。
摘要投稿 |
经组委会审核通过的摘要投稿,可在会上展示交流,但不在MEAAC 2023会议论文集上出版。
Publishing Ethics for Authors
Authors are committed to the following ethical standards and instructions, in compliance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
- Originality, Plagiarism and Multiple Submission
Declare that they have written entirely original works and appropriately cited or quoted the work and/or words of others, and that the manuscript is not published elsewhere, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Authorship
Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript.
- Conflicts of Interest
Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the findings or the interpretation of the article to the editors as soon as possible.
- Availability and Accessibility of Research Data
Authors should indicate in the submitted article where the data and the scripts for analyses are available and accessible.
- Fundamental Errors in Published Articles
Inform the publisher if author subsequently find errors in their research.
More in-depth or specific information on ethics can be found at
所有提交MEAAC 2023的论文需为大会领域相关的原创文章,每篇文章都将由至少2-3审稿专家进行同行评审(双向盲审),并根据内容的原创性、技术和研究内容/深度、正确性、与会议的相关性、贡献和可读性进行评价。