Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Mechanics, Electronics, Automation and Automatic Control
MEAAC2025 Submission Guidelines

MEAAC 2025 is soliciting the original and high-quality submissions in terms of research novelty, technical excellence, or unique applications in the real world, on three major themes: Mechanics, Electronics, Automation and Automatic Control.

Submission Methods and Workflow

  1. Submit full paper/abstract to Online Submission System for preliminary screening, along with your full name, affiliation, telephone (in the Chinese Mainland) or alternate mailbox (out of the Chinese Mainland). We will reply you in 1-2 working days.
  2. For suitable submission authors, we will move to peer review process. The whole review process may take about 1 month, including first-round comments, authors' modification, further comments and acceptance.
  3. You will get paper decision letters through info@meaac.org with detailed guidelines for following steps, until final publishing. Hope you can add info@meaac.org in your email white list.

Types of Submissions

During the submission process, make sure to select one type of submissions from the following 2 options.

Submission Type Description and Details
Full paper submission

Full paper submissions should be prepared in English (DOC) and formatted according to the formatting instructions in the paper template. Primary screening and peer review will be made. Peer-reviewed accepted and registered papers will be published in MEAAC 2025 conference proceedings.

For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper. Authors of all accepted papers must prepare a final version for publication, a poster presentation or a short video/live oral presentation.

Abstract submission

Abstract submissions should be prepared in English (DOC or PDF), including Title, Authors, Affiliation(s), Abstract and Keywords. Once approved by the conference committee, the extended abstract can be presented at the conference, but NOT published in proceedings.

Submission Notes

  1. Refereeing and citations: Refereeing should be very strict on manuscripts having the majority of citations to the international literature (as opposed to internal documents and not readily available literature). All international references should be properly cited in the text and list in the references list. To avoid ambiguous citing, authors are strongly suggested to provide the DOI's of the referenced documents. Articles with only internal documents refereeing or not readily available literature will be kept from the proceedings.
  2. As an international conference, MEAAC 2025 welcomes a fair number of authors and speakers from different countries and nations.

Publishing Ethics for Authors

Authors are committed to the following ethical standards and instructions, in compliance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • Originality, Plagiarism and Multiple Submission
    Declare that they have written entirely original works and appropriately cited or quoted the work and/or words of others, and that the manuscript is not published elsewhere, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Authorship
    Check all co-authors meet criteria for authorship and ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript.
  • Conflicts of Interest
    Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the findings or the interpretation of the article to the editors as soon as possible.
  • Availability and Accessibility of Research Data
    Authors should indicate in the submitted article where the data and the scripts for analyses are available and accessible.
  • Fundamental Errors in Published Articles
    Inform the publisher if author subsequently find errors in their research.

More in-depth or specific information on ethics can be found at https://publicationethics.org/.

Flow Chart for Full Paper submissions

MEAAC - Flow Chart for Full Paper submissions